Why tho

What and why?
First, the what: Dawn of the Dad is basically the 2 solvers: one for sudoku, and another for building crosswords. The first is largely complete, so most of my time now is dedicated to beefing up the crossword builder.
Now the why: why build the site and why ramble in this blog?
The site is my excuse to write some code, both to stay sharp and because I like doing it, solve some algorithmically interesting problems, and revisit some of the neat things I’ve learned about back in grad school. Originally, this spun off as a yet-another-rewrite of a general-purpose CSP solver, which then led to adding fairly ad hoc visualization, which led to building a web server, hacking up a websocket protocol, glueing it all together and finally hosting it on Google Cloud.
The blog is largely meant to capture some of the interesting things I’ve learned along the way, like tuning / optimizing the solver and dealing with the hug of death I got from that one time my site briefly hit the front page of Hacker News.
Post frequency
I’ll probably end up writing a bunch of posts relatively quickly at first, as I’m catching up on a year’s worth of potentially interesting things to write down, before I forget them. Once I do, I expect things to slow down a fair bit.